
Align your investments with well-being through our Health and Wellness Basket

Our Health and Wellness Basket is your investment path to a sector that values life and longevity. This basket offers a strategic investment platform across the health and wellness landscape, from cutting-edge pharmaceuticals to holistic fitness solutions. Invest in a future that emphasizes well-being. The Health and Wellness Basket invites you to partner with and benefit from companies dedicated to enhancing life's quality.

Holistic health engagement

Participate in a portfolio that covers the full gamut of health and wellness, including emerging biotech and sustainable health solutions.

Growing demand

Ride the wave of increasing global demand for health-focused products and services that boost longevity and well-being.

Sector resilience

Health and wellness companies typically offer stable growth prospects, with resilience to economic cycles.

Expert-led strategy

Managed by experts in health and wellness, ensuring your investment is well-positioned to benefit from sector trends and innovations.

Basken token name:
CoinR Health
Basket token symbol:
Basket %:
11% p.a.
Basket terms:
24 Months
Align your investments with well-being through our Health and Wellness Basket